Leta lestrange Bellatrix in neyi?

Oca 13, 2022 Dergi

Funnily enough, the most famous Lestrange is one only by marriage, and despite really adorable Instagram photos that make us wish it so, there is no blood relation between Leta and Bellatrix whatsoever. At most, Leta and Rodolphus Lestrange (Bellatrix's husband) are very distant cousins.Nov 24, 2018

Is Bellatrix in Fantastic Beasts?

The first Fantastic Beasts movie teased the appearance of Leta Lestrange (Zoe Kravitz), presumably a relation of the evil Bellatrix Lestrange and her husband Rodolphus Lestrange from the Harry Potter series.

Is Leta Lestrange on the Black family tree?

Leta Lestrange is therefore directly connected to the most fascinating of wizard families, the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black. Generation X of the family — brothers Sirius and Regulus and their cousins Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Narcissa — present a fascinating microcosm of the entire wizarding war.

Who is Leta lestrange to Sirius Black?

Yes they are cousins, same with Andromeda and Narcissa Black. Also Tonks and Draco are cousins and that makes them niece and nephew for Sirius.

Is Queenie Bellatrix a Lestrange?

But Bellatrix was born with the same last name as Sirius (Black), and only became a Lestrange when she married her husband Rodolphous.

Is Bellatrix related to Corvus?

However, one significant detail in the Corvus bloodline, which may lead us back to Bellatrix, is the pure-blood Rosier family. The Rosiers married into the Lestrange bloodline three generations before Leta was born, giving her Rosier blood.